Friday, March 9, 2012

CooCoo For Coconuts...So Much Health In One Tough Nut

When I finished reading The Primal Blueprint the first time, I was floored.
All the things I had been doing for years was wrong.
I can remember being completely confused in the past about what to eat to be healthy.
Weight Watcher's stance is that you can eat whatever you want...within limits.
But when your hungry those limits are tossed out the window with your first hunger pain.
Nutra System and Jenny Craig want you to eat their processed food filth.
Those food packs were gag-worthy.
What happens to you when you go back to real food?
You got it, real weight gain.
Then I read Mark Sisson's book.
This wonderful man was saying I could eat steak and chicken breasts cooked in butter...mmm...butter...
I could eat butter!
Was encouraged to eat it, as long as it was the full fat, grass fed stuff.
Sign me up!!
Another new thing we were allowed to eat was coconut oil, and anything from the coconut itself, be it milk, flour, or water, was supposed to be great for you and your health.
I was worried about the coconut oil.
I had read a study a long time ago that the oil was bad...that they stopped using it in movie theatre popcorn because of its health risks.
So I started reading everything I could about coconut oil.
I read what Mark's Daily Apple had to say, I read several different books (Eat Fat Lose Fat, The Coconut Cure, and The Coconut Miracle), and I listened to Pod casts by other bloggers.
It was enough good information to give it a try.

Almost immediately I felt better.
My chest pains and anxious feelings were dissipating, I had more energy, I was sleeping better, and I was not as hungry. I can't say with certainty that it was mainly the oil, because my diet has completely changed, but I'm hooked.

The coconut flour that we changed to instead of white or wheat flour is amazing.
Where my son could eat a sleeve of oreos or six large white flour rolls, now he can only finish two cookies or two rolls.
It fills you up, and is satisfying.

I use coconut milk in my recipes and smoothies.
The best thing I made recently for the kids is Chocolate Coconut Flour Donuts.

These were awesome.
My daughter complains endlessly that she doesn't want another egg for breakfast.
So I surprised them one morning with these babies.
I made them in my mini donut maker (which I thought would never get used again).
Here is the recipe.

Mini Chocolate Coconut Flour Donuts:
  • 1/2 cup of coconut flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 4 tablespoons of coco powder
  • 5 tablespoons of butter or ghee melted
  • 1/4 cup of almond milk
  • 1/4 cup of organic heavy cream (you can use 1/2 cup of either if you want)
Preheat a mini donut maker. Here is mine.

  1. In a small bowl whisk together coconut flour, baking soda, coco powder, and salt.
  2. In a medium bowl whisk together the eggs, butter, vanilla, almond milk, cream, and honey.
  3. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir until combined.
  4. I sprayed the pan with coconut oil I keep in a glass spray jar (heat it in hot water to liquefy)
  5. Scoop the donut batter into the preheated donut maker. A cookie scooper makes it easy. (About 1 1/2 tablespoons for each donut)
  6. Close the lid and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Carefully remove cooked donuts from the pan.
  8. I put a tiny bit of icing on them (4tbsp powdered sugar, 1 tbsp coco powder, 1tbsp cream)
My husband and I liked the ones without icing better (my palette has changed).
This new way of living has never felt like a burden and I never feel deprived.
Plus I am getting close to 35 pounds lost!

I hope you try this recipe and enjoy it as much as we do.

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